Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Take One Piece Off

Sound advice on jewelry accessorizing through the ages- we always start off with more than we really need, and it takes practice and restraint to get down to what is really best.

The more things I think about and dabble in, the more I realize this concept could (perhaps should?) be applied to many other parts of life.

When I started writing songs, I tried to squeeze in one more verse. After all, it was always such an amazingly brilliant verse, the song couldn't possibly do without it. As I watched volunteer audience members shift uncomfortably in their seats, or became frustrated when friends would interrupt with comments before I even got close to the last verse I began to start trimming.

When I started singing, I relished adding extra trills, taking the final note soaring and adding all kinds embelishments. I knew what dynamics were on paper, but when improvising, things just got bigger and louder as I went along. One day I listened to a song. I can't remember what song it was or who sang it, but I remember the simple, heart rending delivery, especially the final 3 notes. When I expected the singer to soar and really wow me with an impressive high note, she took it down and quiet instead and I was blown away.

When I started dancing, I was full of unbounded energy, hit every note and beat of the music, did at least two amazing spins, drops or backbends in every song, and all at lightning speed. I have learned to appreciate the silences between the notes and the beauty of contrast and stillness. I have learned to listen with my whole body and carry the contrasts,which the musicians already know all about, through my dance.

When I started advertising, I put lots of flashy pictures all over the place and included every detail of an event in bold. I still do this on my first drafts, but at least 75% of what I put in an ad or poster generally gets trimmed.

I am a big fan of word limits in social media. It makes me go back and trim what I am saying to the really vital information. Limits force me to be creative and use words with real meaning and power. If I really need to say more, there are ways around it, but how often do we really have 1,000 words that are really relevant and necessary to communicate our thoughts?

I am still learning this in other areas. My emails are often too long. My explanations to clients are wordy when a simple "yes" or "no" would be more effective. Don't even get me started on packing for a trip!

As I look at my plans for the week, I see at least two things I could do without, now that I have paused to look at things... and take one piece off.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Getting started

Yes, I have finally decided to share my thought processes with the world!
I need a repository for all the random thoughts that run through my head as a dancer, mother, business owner, audience member, etc. I do not promise to be thoroughly organized! I do intend to be thoughtful in sharing my inspirations, questions and ponderings about dance, life & professionalism. Thanks for coming along for the ride!

Some of these posts will most likely meander over to the "articles" page on my website as they become more developed- if you contribute, I promise to properly site you in the article (with permission, of course!)